Friday, May 1, 2020

This week, on Tuesday evening, April 28th, 2020,  I became the 2020 Democratic Nominee for the Democratic State House of Representative seat for the 96th District of Ohio.

It was a hard long unusual and not ordinary primary given the covid 19 virus emergency interruptions and distancing requirements.

All told however, it was most gratifying to win among the people and the common citizens of our Southeastern Ohio District.

It wasn't without a fight and my young opponent fought hard and clean and performed well as a first time candidate at this level.  I never took this election for granted and knew I was in a genuine race for a high seat in a State of Ohio government level office.  I valued the opportunity to run for this office and saw the need for experienced and battle tested leadership to continue on with leading the Democratic banner in the State House from our region.

     Now, its time for the Jefferson, Belmont and Monroe County Democratic Parties to unify and come together so we can keep the seat that so many strong Democratic Representatives have maintained in the blue column for decades and most recently Jack Cera who has done a great job while serving the citizens of this District.

     We have an advantage; during this time of crises;  As JFK often stated during his Presidential race,  the Democratic party IS the party who created and originated unemployment insurance, the party of minimum wage and the party of worker's comp and all the social contract safety net programs like Social Security that are keeping this nation and this state and region running through this crises.  

   We having nothing to apologize for as the programs that FDR, Truman and JFK and all those who followed created and developed and strongly support, are now operating in the manner they were first intended; to keep the nation safe, healthy and sound as possible during a national crises;

    We continued now, at this time in particular, need to work hard to make sure such programs are actually benefiting the people in need. and we need to do more also.


    But at this time, I want to take this moment and publicly thank once more, as I did in my interviews but the word didn't make it through the News editing rooms;

     First, I want to thank the Upper Ohio Valley Building Trades council and also the leaders at the IBEW electrical workers unions here in Steubenville and in Wheeling local 141.  their support and endorsements came at critical moments in this primary and i appreciate deeply their acknowledgement of my life's work on critical issues important to the working men and women and to even our children for the past 30 years.

  I also want to dedicate this victory to my parents, Dominick and Theresa Olivito Sr.   My mom is 93 and still alive and lives next door to me.

My dad passed 10 years ago and i think of him every day and his great contribution to both the Ohio Valley, his hometown and to the State of Ohio''s judiciary and just his love for the ordinary and the sense of fairness and justice he brought to the bench and to all with whom he came into contact with.

His sense of public service and his dedication to the same became widely known up and down the entire eastern Half of Ohio and he blazed a trail from the Beaches of Normady on D Day to the Battle of the winning the ability to enjoy the pubic trust for decades and grew our family name into one that today still holds so much value.
    Its a victory for him and my mother, I give the credit most for this opportunity and ability to serve the people of the 96th to what they did and what they stood for all their lives in making my win possible this past week.

    And I also want to give a clear credit also to my campaign manager and treasurer Robert Martin of Wintersville, Ohio who is the Wintersville Council President this year.  
     Rob and his wife and family and his extended family were my main day to day supporters and he and Royal Mayo and my good friends from years back, were the one's who kept hope alive and gave me the encouragement when things seemed at times to be both challenging and just alot to continue with especially when there were days of doubt as this primary lingered on well past the original election night. 

     Rob  placed his professional and public position right next to mine and never waived once during some very challenging moments of this campaign.   He always spoke of having hope and faith and putting all things in the hands of the Lord.  His strong personal reputation only helped to bolster my own at critical junctures and when certain negatives were spoken about.   Rob understood elective politics and he enjoys this win and deserves as much credit as anyone for his loyal support for me from the first hours of my decision to run for this office.

    Royal Mayo is more than a brother to me.  What people don't know about Royal is he is the most caring and supportive friend anyone ever could have in this life.  When my mother was placed in teh emergency room months ago, royal was there instantly for me and her.   When I was in the hospital for three days right near the end of this campaign, in March, Royal made sure my mother ate, was kept company and he made meals to order and brought tears to my mother's eyes; hes a much better cook by far than I and he's the true son and brother of our Olivito family today.   His voice is well known across the Valley and even in Columbus.   and he and I, together know something about the eternal hunger for justice and equality as Jesus our Lord, Himself, often spoke of....

    Also, I want to mention my only son.   Joshua   He is a graduating senior from SHS and i'm so very proud of him and his class.  With all those graduating seniors this year from our regional schools I understand well the disappointment with the restrictions placed upon your final months of your primary education.   Nonetheless, it does NOT in ANY take away the long years of hard work and daily effort of getting up and heading into school not feeling great, not necessarily always prepared and oftentimes, just having to overcome so much more than many.

     To those who have overcome everything and are ready now to graduate into a new era and new life and new moment in your young journey, i say congratulations and so proud of you Joshua and all your classmates and friends.   dont be deterred by this momentary setback.  its what you have already accomplished and achieved that makes you the winner that you already were and are today.  Joshua you are loved and promised everything best I can possibly give you and your grandfather would be so proud of you today and I know your grandmother on my side tears up at the notion you came through so much and are now graduating with honors.

      Thankyou finally and most importantly to the voters of the 96th District.  You are the reason why this democracy makes sense and keeps on going despite all the challenges that have faced our nation since its founding.
    its truly as the brilliant self taught man once spoke, its a government "of the people, for the people and by the people"...and if we continue to participate in this sometimes burdensome process of elections and crazy races, we will continue what makes this nation great...

in closing, here on the Midwest Center's main blog page
i just want to say again

    I am humbled by this win and will now work hard to make it a win in November so we can get the Ohio Valley back up and seriously progressing as it needs and should be.  the people of this district are the hardest working, most serious  enduring people one could meet anywhere.  the sheer grit and determination of the citizens of this Valley have fought wars, made the steel and mined the coal and added to the intellectual and sports of our entire nation for decades.   We have now been providing serious revenue to the State of Ohio so it can better operate.  its time we focus on the continued progress of making our valley worthy of the people who work so hard and those youth who have sacrificed and worked hard to make it through to their graduation day.

     We all will have a 96h district graduation day, also, soon, come November and we will make our voices heard and i thank all of you for your support going forward.

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