Saturday, January 12, 2013

06-4635: Thorne v. Lelles :: Sixth Circuit :: US Court of Appeals Cases :: Justia

06-4635: Thorne v. Lelles :: Sixth Circuit :: US Court of Appeals Cases :: Justia

this is the sixth circuits decision the higher federal court of appeal ....on the thorne v City of Steubenville Officer Lelles et. al...

its a critical read and demonstrates the serious depth of constitutional violations that were occuring EVEN AT THE END OF THE CONSENT DECREE OFFICIAL OVErSIGHT PERIOD



the last most serious federal civil rights constitutional violations case brought by a young plaintiff who was seriously injured and brain injured by the City Police on his graduation night, as he returned home to his father's house, after work....the incident happened at the plaintiff's own residence and the police were found to have violated his fundamental civil rights, in at least four separate ways, by both the Federal District Court in Columbus, and then again, on appeal, opening up the case for a major serious federal civil rights trial

....what happened to the case.....after it was won in a unamious decision at the highest court in the region

remains a mystery to this day

Steubenville's Long History of Police Corruption - Politics - The Atlantic Cities

Steubenville's Long History of Police Corruption - Politics - The Atlantic Cities wire

this internet journalistic "wire"....reports on the Steubenville DOJ civil rights investigation and findings
in this critically relevant history of the River City

that prompted the feds in 95 to begin its first ever original 14141 pattern and practice investigation into the city

Friday, January 11, 2013

Vanishing Immunity Deal Throws More Steubenville Players Back in Spotlight - National - The Atlantic Wire

Vanishing Immunity Deal Throws More Steubenville Players Back in Spotlight - National - The Atlantic Wire

there is more to come and the outside media and social medial pressure is building to open up a broad investigation into not only this party ..but other things that have taken place inside of Steubenville

...but the question remains...when is this investigation going to begin to focus NOT just on the civilians and juveninles and ordinary witnesses and events of that p articular evening

and begin to turns its serious scrutiny as the social media has...towards the public officials in the town...namely the public prosecutors and the town's officials light of the past history of serious civil rights abuses

there is unfinished business in steubenville among the locals...and its NOT all about a young woman's significant as that is and is the pivitol "turning point" in this important case

and this recent statement by the AG. himself ...seems to indicate there has been some kind of mis step taken early on in the investigation ...not so much by the police but by the local prosecution

...this much is true

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The recent rape case controversy brings media back to the basics and the steub doj consent decree

richard olivito (@mccrguy) tweeted at 8:04 PM on Wed, Jan 09, 2013: Why Nobody Trusts Steubenville - National - The Atlantic Wire ( Get the official Twitter app at

Monday, January 7, 2013

Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse

Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse

referencing the DOJ v. City of Steubenville pattern and practice case

and my connection to the same

Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse

Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse

referencing the work the First U.S. full scale pattern and practice case under 42 USC 14141