Friday, January 11, 2013

Vanishing Immunity Deal Throws More Steubenville Players Back in Spotlight - National - The Atlantic Wire

Vanishing Immunity Deal Throws More Steubenville Players Back in Spotlight - National - The Atlantic Wire

there is more to come and the outside media and social medial pressure is building to open up a broad investigation into not only this party ..but other things that have taken place inside of Steubenville

...but the question remains...when is this investigation going to begin to focus NOT just on the civilians and juveninles and ordinary witnesses and events of that p articular evening

and begin to turns its serious scrutiny as the social media has...towards the public officials in the town...namely the public prosecutors and the town's officials light of the past history of serious civil rights abuses

there is unfinished business in steubenville among the locals...and its NOT all about a young woman's significant as that is and is the pivitol "turning point" in this important case

and this recent statement by the AG. himself ...seems to indicate there has been some kind of mis step taken early on in the investigation ...not so much by the police but by the local prosecution

...this much is true

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