Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Local Article Referencing the Original Federal Civil Rights Lawsuit filed Against the City of Warren, in 2003, citing "a serious pattern of civil rights violations"

"We are asking that the federal court take a look at Warren and these allegations and ask the U.S. Justice Department to come in and investigate," said Atty. Richard Olivito, who filed the lawsuit.

The suit seeks $1 million or more for Owens, who is paralyzed, and an unspecified amount for the others.

    This Vindicator newspaper article demonstrates the original complaint filed in August 2003, had alleged from the earliest days, alleged a very "serious set of patterned civil rights violations exist" inside of Warren and its PD.  These substantial allegations were fact based and created upon the private solo lawyer's own prior civil rights experience within the framework of the 90's DOJ investigation that he was keenly involved in and aware of arising from his hometown. 

    The plaintiff's lawyer, the Midwest Center's Director private but community assisted investigation in Warren, provided the basis of these original "pattern abuse" allegations. 

    Such serious allegations would be eventually vindicated and proven true, by the years long effort of both his ongoing federal civil rights litigation and that of other local advocates and most importantly, the final conclusion made only last year, by the U.S. Justice Department itself, who found a pattern and practice civil rights violation did exist as its Civil Rights Division has found now to officially inside of Warren.  

    Then as now, there existed in Warren, for years, a very deep and seriously disturbing history of extremely serious citizen constitutional patterned violations and deprivations which have never been fully redressed.  Despite years of denial, the City's recently retired police chief, who presided over the first year of the DOJ Consent Decree over Warren, publically acknowledged in local press, the humbling nature of having his Police Department having been "found guilty of such a historical pattern of civil rights violations by the Department of Justice."

     These original allegations rocked the Northeastern Ohio community and its regional legal and law enforcement establishment and created an ongoing effort to both deny and to distract from and to diffuse such original allegations.  This was done oftentimes by taking a very personal and seriously defamatory approach against myself, who originally brought this federal case and the other related civil rights police misconduct Section 1983 lawsuits against Warren, in 2003-4, after the Kimble police misconduct case, had been blown up due to its videotaped beating of Kimble, into a national news story bringing great light and scrutiny to the Northeastern Ohio former industrial based steel town.

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